
Zensar Technologies Ltd
Last activity: 31 Mar 2023 6:03 EDT
Difference between WorkBasket vs WorkGroup vs WorkQueue?
What is the exact difference between these 3 terminology. Can someone explain with live example.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 31 Mar 2023 6:03 EDT

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 The real purpose of work group is categorizing a group of users and there tasks using work queue. This group of users will have a manager.
To hold the manager value is secondary.
The bolded sentence is the main purpose. A groups if people belonging to one department is the work group in pega. Suppose we have a seperate buiding for all the HOD departments and all there tasks(like violations in hostel, event planning etc) should directly go to that bulding as a task.
So our implementation-> All the department HODs will have HOD as the work group. HOD work group will have HOD work queue. In the flow we will assingn all the assignments related to HODs to HOD work queue. From there respective HODs can pick work. we can say there is a director who is the head of all these HODs and we can put his name as work group manager. But this is not mandatory. The first part is the real purpose. The responsibility part.
Updated: 30 Mar 2023 21:19 EDT

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @AbhishekC1725: Work basket and work queue are same. Please see this. Work group corresponds to a cross functional team and it will have a default work queue. In addition to the default work queue, you can also add other work queues to the work group. Users can access the cases wither from their work list or from work queues assigned to them based on your security configurations.
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Abhishek Choubey

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@ArulDevan Ok,
Work group has a reference to (Workqueue/Workbasket) and again (Workqueue/Workbasket) has a reference to Work group. A circular dependency.
What I understand is Work group is created to just hold the manager value. Other than this, what is the purpose of Work group?
If the manager filed moved from Work group creation to (Workqueue/Workbasket) then there is no need of Work group entity/concept?

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @AbhishekC1725: The circular dependency is because of the design. You need to have teams who can receive and work on tasks (within department / cross department). So you group the users by tagging the work group to the operator record. Now tasks to the team can be either assigned directly to a user (or) to a queue. These queues can be directly added to the user record / can be added to the team (work group). You can have a manager for team.
A work group need a work queue assigned to it which will be the default work queue. So when you want to assign a task to the team (not to a individual), you assign the task to the queue. The queue will have a work group mapped to it. Users who has the same work group mapped to their profile can see the case and can work on them.
Though you see the work group rule form simple, it is crucial in design your organization. It is also critical one when you are using Get-Next and routings.
System architect mission should give info regarding this. Please check this module.
Abhishek Choubey

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 It should be workgroup vs (Workqueue/Workbasket). Workgroup is a team/group which contains group of users to work who holds a specific responsibilities. For eg:- ENT Doctors, Heart doctors -> These 2 are different work groups and they can have list of users under them who knows that work. So to specify and distinguish with responbilities work group is used.
Work queue is to hold list of tasks. And you know that we can associate work queue with work group. For eg:-
ENT Doctors -> We can have ENT Doctors work queue to hold list of tasks for this group
Heart doctors -> We can have Heart doctors work queue to hold list of tasks for this group
We can assign an assignment/task to any of these work queues, then any one from that particular work group will pick that assigment/task to work on.
Abhishek Choubey

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Ok ,
Work group has a reference to (Workqueue/Workbasket) and again (Workqueue/Workbasket) has a reference to Work group. A circular dependency.
What I understand is Work group is created to just hold the manager value. Other than this, what is the purpose of Work group?
If the manager filed moved from Work group creation to (Workqueue/Workbasket) then there is no need of Work group entity/concept?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 31 Mar 2023 6:03 EDT

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 The real purpose of work group is categorizing a group of users and there tasks using work queue. This group of users will have a manager.
To hold the manager value is secondary.
The bolded sentence is the main purpose. A groups if people belonging to one department is the work group in pega. Suppose we have a seperate buiding for all the HOD departments and all there tasks(like violations in hostel, event planning etc) should directly go to that bulding as a task.
So our implementation-> All the department HODs will have HOD as the work group. HOD work group will have HOD work queue. In the flow we will assingn all the assignments related to HODs to HOD work queue. From there respective HODs can pick work. we can say there is a director who is the head of all these HODs and we can put his name as work group manager. But this is not mandatory. The first part is the real purpose. The responsibility part.
Abhishek Choubey Bhagyashree Choudhary Sivani Pappu

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Thanks for you sharing this information and clearing the doubt.
Anoop Krishna

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 Please accept the solution if this has cleared your doubt
Abhishek Choubey