Last activity: 13 Apr 2022 11:54 EDT
Defining Offer Acceptance Monetary Gain Value
We have business need where in Offer acceptance rate report we need to show financial gain achieved.
For Example Customer1 is enrolled in Plan1 which costs 20$ and now Pega NBA sent him upgrade offer and Customer upgraded to 30$ plan, so with this acceptance event financial gain is +10$. Later NBA sends same Customer AutoRefill offer and Customer opted for AutoRefill, say with this acceptance event financial gain is 5% of current plan which is 1.5$ ... like this different offers and scenarios exist.
We have Golden Customer Record (GCR) in clients database and IH history in maintained in pegadata.
Provided this what is the ideal/recommended design approach so we can calculate gain and helps to generate above report.
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add capability tag***