Database Table Creation of History Classes
Hello Everyone,
I am looking for an answer on the below issue/question...
Whenever a new class is created, Pega will automatically create a History class for that new class and will "link" it with PegaDATA database instance. My question is, if there is any way to have the control on the database instance rule where the History class to be created.
For instance, when we create a new Data Type and source it with CustomerDATA database instance (assume the CustomerDATA database instance is configured to map to a new database schema), Pega will create a database table under the database schema where CustomerDATA database instance is mapped to. But, the database table of the History class will always be created under PegaDATA database instance, hence it will go into a different database schema. So, is it possible to get the control under which database schema the History table to be created?
The same behaviour as above will also occur whenever we create any dedicated class manually.
I am not looking for a solution from the db backend where with some manual actions the above problem can be solved.
Thanks a lot in adavnce!
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Case INC-B4013 and FDBK-110564 tags***