Database table Partition
Hi All,
need some inputs/suggestions on the below qn.
In our application, As part of Archival and Purge strategies, we are supposed to copy data from Pega data schema to Pega Archive schema which holds business data which is older than a specific period.
But, we want to copy a data 2.5TB from work tables in Pegadata schema to Pega Archive schema.
As part of the discussions with internal db team, it is suggested to do partitions of tables to copy the data from one schema to another schema.
Total Pegadata size is 6 TB data to be moved is 2.5 TB
We are looking for some info on impact on application if we do partition.
1. what will be the imapact on application and its performance. 2. Is the partitioning we do in pega applications and what could be the disadvantages pega applications. 3. Is this the practice we follow if we want to move data? Import and export and CTAS are expected to take 10-12 hrs. so, not suggested by db team. 4. Generally, who will do if we have to partitions? DB team or Application team? 5. Any experiences on this ?
Appreciate any suggestions.
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