
Last activity: 10 Nov 2021 10:08 EST
No history instances found in History class of a workobject
I am trying to create case using Email Listener, successfully created the case but no history instances written to the history class and no audit shown on the workobject. I dont see any issues, but unable to figure what could be the reason. Do we need to make any explicit configuration to view/save history.
We have our application built on Theme-Cosmos 03.01, and pega 8.6.2
Thanks in advance,
appreciate the help
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 10 Nov 2021 10:08 EST

Aaseya IT Services Pvt Ltd
Please check your environment Production level and the corresponding value, this may be causing the issue.

Bank of America
@Ramya0457 I had this issue once, try adding commit/commitwitherrorhandling after case creation for history instances and for field audit hope you have already updated datatransform pyFieldLevelAuditing in respective class with properties.
Melody Bulacan

@SandeepReddyB4270 We already have commitwithErrorHandling called in case creation activity rule. but still we are not able to see the history.
Updated: 9 Nov 2021 4:50 EST

Please verify below things:
Make sure Corresponding history class for the case type or the case for which listener is creating the case is properly mapped to the table . You can open the class definition and check test the connectivity.
As a debug - Try adding utility after the start shape and add History-Add step to have some test message.
After making above changes , you can check for above test message and trace for the issue as well.

@ArshadPashaMohammed Thanks Arshad,
We already verified the test connectivity of the respective history class. Mapping is all proper. We are able to see all the history messages added through utilities and audit notes in the flows. But we are not able to see Pega OOTB history steps in the audit like 'Item Created', 'Case routing to workqueues/worklists' etc....

Cognitonic Systems Australia
@Ramya0457 Could you please check the UI Kit Compatability. Following article might be helpful, or if the stated fields are not appearing on the UI then it might be issue with the section that is displaying the data.
1. Query the DB Table with any specify instance and check if the table contains data for respective fields, if data is there in the table but not appearing on the UI means, it might be issue with the Section that is displaying the data.

@KotaC382 Hi Kota,
The main problem is no instance is saved to the DB table. On tracer we see the pre conditions related to history memo are shown as false.
example: @isHistoryAvailable(tools, .pxObjClass, "pyHistoryMemo", "ItemCreated") is showing as false even though it is existing.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 10 Nov 2021 10:08 EST

Aaseya IT Services Pvt Ltd
Please check your environment Production level and the corresponding value, this may be causing the issue.
Kampelly Ramya Pratik Agarwal
