Charles Schwab
Last activity: 13 Dec 2022 10:30 EST
Customer CodeSet External Jars Versioning
I am looking to upgrade some external jars that currently are in the customer codeset. I am curious how versioning works on these codesets. Will pega only load jars that are indicated in the same version?
A.jar, B.jar, and C.jar are listed as Codeset customer 06-01-01
B.jar, C.jar, D.jar are listed as Codeset customer 06-01-02
DSS properties/com.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.codeset.version.Customer is set to 06-01-02 means that only B.jar, C.jar, D.jar are compiled for the application?
And these can be changed quickly by updating the DSS to 06-01-01 and restarting the servers to have only A.jar, B.jar, and C.jar loaded?