Last activity: 25 Mar 2024 4:13 EDT
Create New Case Type Failed
hi team,
When create a new case type, error as attachment pops up. There is no error details and I tired several times same error is there.
Please kindly advice how to fix this.
My PEGA version is 8.8.3
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Maantic Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Please try to trace the event or check the pega logs to identify additional details /stack trace of the error.
in the tracer i got this error message:
Create new record failed: No unlocked Rulesets/Versions found that are valid for this record. Unlock at least one Ruleset/Version that can contain records of this type.
Normally a branch maps to a ruleset, correct? I checked and found that there is no new ruleset after creating a new branch unless I put something to the new created branch.
OK then, I put something to the branch and double checked to make sure the corresponding ruleset is there. Then I tried again to create a new case type in this branch, there is no error anymore but unfortunately many supposed rules is not generated (even the new class of this new case type is not generated).
Besides we have a upgrade from 8.6 to 8.8.3 and this is the first time we create a new case type since upgrade. This issue blocks our several days and it is really unfriendly that there is no clear and enough message in PEGA to help developer to locate errors in such situation.
Updated: 25 Mar 2024 2:30 EDT
Maantic Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Yes branches are mapped to rulesets but only after you have created a new rule in that branch the ruleset will be visible to you.
The naming convention is <rulesetid>_branch_<branchname>
Having said that you should be able to generate the case type in a branch if you select a branch already created under your application and a valid ruleset available in your application stack.
Can you please provide more details as to which rules did get generated and which did not get generated when you tried to create the case type?
thanks a lot. please see attachment "error-1.png" for auto generated rules.
Besides some generated rules cannot opened (error as attachment error-2.png) hence I cannot delete them, this leads to the branch cannot be deleted. Now I don't know how to clear these useless rules...
Maantic Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Do you remember the branch name where you created the rules first time around?
If yes do not remove that branch from the application. Include the branch again, save the application and then try searching and deleting those unwanted rules. You might have inadvertently removed that branch from the application which is not allowing you to open them.
Once you have cleared up those unwanted rules. Create a brand new branch preferably with a new name, remove the old branch, save the application and try to generate the rules in that branch via the case type creation wizard once again. Please make sure both the new branch and the ruleset you select in the wizard is accessible to you.
Hope that will solve your problems.
I cleared all related rules and branches, retried in a new branch, same error happens.
1) If do not put something to a new branch, creating new case type will failed with error "Create new record failed: No unlocked Rulesets/Versions found that are valid for this record. Unlock at least one Ruleset/Version that can contain records of this type."
2) Put something to the new created branch to make sure corresponding ruleset generated and then creating new case type in this branch, there is no error at front end but only part supposed rules generated. The generated rule list is as same as I mentioned in previous response. Also there are some error records in tracer: "Unable to open an instance using the given inputs: pxObjClass = "Rule-Obj-Class", pyClassName = "XXXX-XXX-XXXX"
Maantic Technologies Pvt Ltd.
You have to follow option #2, but don't need to create a rule in the branch before using the case type creation wizard.
Anyway, that doesn't matter.
Can you please share the screen shot of the tracer error you mentioned and also mention when you are getting this error.
Please note that after you have generated the rules you should not remove the branch from the application. You will remove it only after you have merged the branch into the application.
Maantic Inc
A similar kind of issue was reported as follows after upgrade, but I don't think it applies to you:
You can put any ruleset's rule in a branch, there's no restriction here. I've seen this issue come up in several lower versions. What you can do as a temporary solution is open a new ruleset version and then create the case type as usual. You should be able to see all the rules and classes automatically created there.
You can follow up on this by raising a Pega Service Request.
Updated: 25 Mar 2024 0:59 EDT
Maantic Inc
Check the systems logs when the issue comes up. Anything coming up in tracer? Did any recent upgrade happen? Try saving the application definition rule and see if there are any errors coming up.