Connect-MQ: Message is not getting processed from Response queue
We are facing an issue with Connect-MQ Integration. Pega is not processing the Message from Response queue. We can see the message are added into response queue, but it is not getting processed within PEGA (we are using Pega v7.4).
When I run my Connector Activity, it is getting failed in Connect-MQ step with below error.
Error message: Received MQ Message Exception: MQJE001: Completion Code ‘2’, Reason ‘2033’
We are facing an issue with Connect-MQ Integration. Pega is not processing the Message from Response queue. We can see the message are added into response queue, but it is not getting processed within PEGA (we are using Pega v7.4).
When I run my Connector Activity, it is getting failed in Connect-MQ step with below error.
Error message: Received MQ Message Exception: MQJE001: Completion Code ‘2’, Reason ‘2033’
Note: We configured Response Message timeout as 60 sec