
Last activity: 13 Jun 2022 9:12 EDT
Configure question "Ask a Question" shape , dynamic button option
Hi ,
Do we have any documentation on how to use dynamic button option in configure question shape for chatbot /web messaging ?
I can see that it allows only list D page . How do we refer parameterized D page here and it's properties?
Also, the connector creation option gets disabled here once we add data page in here under dynamic button option.
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Accepted Solution

The solution is to use pxResults property only while configuring questions. We can not use custom Pagelist there.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Mayurk33 I'm assuming you are working off Editing the conversation smart shapes.
I will see if I can find an SME to help you with the functionality that you say is not working.
Would you be able to attach a screenshot to illustrate your dynamic button option?
Can you provide any errors you see on the connector creation UI when you add the data page?

PFB screenshot where once we refer D page the connector option gets disabled. Our requirement is to have those connector options getting pulled from reference data and depending on the option which user selects next set of questions should appear. The questions need be referenced from data table hence we want to parameterize the data page but there's no option to pass params in dynamic button option under ask a question configuration.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @Mayurk33 ,
Currently "Ask a question" shape doesn't support parametrised data pages thus you would need to create a wrapper data page which sets required context. That way you will be able to leverage your data page.
When it comes to the connector it's getting disabled as it doesn't know upfront number of elements under data page, by default values selected by the user based on data page will be routed through the 'Else' connector and you need to use decision shape in order to test the value.
Hope it helps. Best regards
Marije Schillern

Hi there,
I am trying to refer either a pagelist property or pagegroup property as a workaround to get the values from reference data inside data page and then refer it in ask a question shape but it throws error as invalid property reference. Could you please confirm if we can refer pagelist or pagegroup property in configuration or not .

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @Mayurk33,
You cannot use "complex" properties. Currently only Data Pages returning pagelist with properties marked as relevant records are supported. You need to select property from the dropdown control in order to not get validation error.

Thank you for response , how Data page with list will determine which subscripts to show ? or it will show all of the records and how does it understands the subscript?
could you please let me know how we can use data page to make questions configurable without adding subscript in pagelist property as subscript can not be referred in configuration ?

Pegasystems Inc.
When you create a wrapper Data Page you need already to set the context (e.g. by setting appropriate subscript on your original DP). Like I have mentioned it's limited to the simple Data Pages and entire content of the DP is taken and shown as the items. Decision which wrapper Data Page would need to be used would need to happen before "Ask a question" shape and you would need to configure few shapes in order to configure different wrapper DPs. That way you can achieve flexible / different questions.
Updated: 9 Jun 2022 7:03 EDT

sorry I am bit confused , even if we set the wrapper data page , we need to many properties on wrapper data page to get the values from pagelist Data page and each time we call the same wrapper data page we need to clear existing values for next Ask a question shape , is my understanding correct ?
Also, what do you mean by Simple data pages ? Page level ?

Pegasystems Inc.
I meant rather one wrapper Data Page per Ask a question shape. At the end those are used to create menu items for the end user, it shouldn't be to long list of options just in sake of user experience (this is what I meant by simple data pages).

One data page per ask a question would mean many data pages in our case. Also wrapper data page will be used to copy data from pagelist onto page level data page and it's properties is this correct ?

Pegasystems Inc.
You should have wrapper Data Page of Pega list type. Then every entry is the page which should contain label and payload which supposed to be used when generating menu items. Those should be available as properties marked as relevant records.

If we use wrapper Data page of list type then we need to refer Datapage.ListProperty which is not supported.
Could you please add a screenshot to explain what we need to do exactly ?

Hi, going back to my initi al question -How Pega will understand the pagelist property to be shown? because you are specifying only D page name and the internal properties within a pagelist. Where do we specify pagelist ? like Dpagename.pxResults?
Updated: 10 Jun 2022 3:46 EDT

I did attached steps but can't see any results.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @Mayurk33,
Not sure what you mean by any results. In your screenshot there is design time, and it's not expected that you will see menu options retrieved from the Data Page which you have configured in the design time. Retrieval and in practice menu option generation happens in the runtime, during processing of "Ask a question" shape. If your Data Page contains elements then you should be able to verify behaviour e.g. in the Preview Console.

yes, in preview console I am unable to see any results with this configuration which I have shared with you and again my question is how pega will take into consideration the pagelist property? Would it be better to schedule a call ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @Mayurk33,
Runtime iterates over all pxResults and like mentioned above from each result retrieve properties which are defined as label and value. Please paste definition of the D_SCQuestions data page.

Accepted Solution

The solution is to use pxResults property only while configuring questions. We can not use custom Pagelist there.