compute label for dropdown
Using dropdown control you cannot compute the value for the label. Often it is required to have the label be something like CODE - LABEL and the underlying value stored is just CODE. The control only allows a defined property or the group feature.
Standard HTML version would be something like so:
<select id="comboBox">
<option value="">-- Select a value --</option>
<option value="123" selected="selected">123 - Label for 123</option>
<option value="456">456 -Label for 456</option>
<option value="789">789 - Label for 789</option>
<option value="101">101 - Label for 101</option>
In pega dropdown you cannot compute the select value, see attached:
Is there a way to work around this, without writing a custom pxDropdown, its a pretty standard web practice with dropdowns?