
Southern California Edison Company
Last activity: 22 Mar 2019 10:34 EDT
Complex IF in report
Hello. I'm completely new to Pega, so pardon me if this has been answered elsewhere.
I'm currently converting ACCESS reports to Pega, and I think I have a handle on most of what to do (but if there is a handy guide, I would love to see it). But the report I'm currently working on has a complex IF function and I'm not sure how to convert it.
I have two Columns: ColumnA and ColumnB. If ColumnA is null, use ColumnB and stop processing. Otherwise, if ColumnB is Null, use ColumnA. If neither Column is Null, use the larger of the two columns. Here's the Build statement:
If([ColumnA] Is Null, [ColumnB], If([ColumnB] Is Null, [ColumnA], If([ColumnA]<=[ColumnB], [ColumnA],[ ColumnB])))
And here it is visually:
If([ColumnA] Is Null,
If([ColumnB] Is Null,
) [End If]
) [End If]
) [End If]
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****