
Posted: Jan 2, 2019
Last activity: Sep 18, 2019
Last activity: 18 Sep 2019 16:28 EDT
Chatbot: Reverse proxy URL configuration
Hi All,
We are configured secure reverse proxy URL instead of Pega URL in web chatbot scripts but facing below issues
- A loop occurs with redirects reverse proxy to Pega env which results in a crash of the Pega environment
- With certain settings we get additional slashes from the PEGA
We tried below settings
- Add a request header “X-Forwarded-Host” with the value to reverse proxy URL
- Add a request header “X-Forwarded-Proto” with the value “https”
- Add a request header “PegaRULES-SetContextURI” with the value to reverse proxy URL
- Change the url in the settings page of the chatbot in PEGA
- Rewrite a response header “Location” from “Pega URL” to reverse proxy URL including whatever comes after the url.
- Either add or remove Port number in the rewritten url’s
- Change the SetBaseHTMLContext to the proxy server URI, Use either /prweb or /prweb/PRServletCustom in the rewrite url’s and the chatbot javascript files
Please let us know all configuration settings while using reverse proxy URL in chatbot scripts.