Last activity: 7 Sep 2016 7:53 EDT
Cause of multiple DB connection pool failure?
Our applications are in production for a year and Pega upgrade to V7.2.1 was done recently. All of a sudden, DB connection pool failure can be noticed in multiple places in log file. There are connection problems with “Pegadata” pool and history class itself. Can you please suggest what could be the root cause of the issue?
2016-08-30 00:04:48,166 [fault (self-tuning)'] [TABTHREAD4] [ CPECS:01.01.01] (l.access.ConnectionManagerImpl) ERROR brms-prd4-01|XX.XX.XXX.XX CPEAdmin - Not returning connection 0 for database "pegadata" to the pool as it previously encountered the following error
User ID: CPEAdmin
User ID: CPEAdmin
Last SQL: SELECT count(*) as "pyCount" FROM CPE_BPRMS.pr_History_Cisco_FW_CPEF_728cb where pxObjClass = 'History-Cisco-FW-CPEFW-Data-Ref-FCRCustomerList'
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
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