
NIIT Technologies
Last activity: 7 May 2017 21:39 EDT
Connect SOAP & JMS Connection Pool Handling
Hi ,
We are using TIBCO as middleware in our application to access external service via Connect-SOAP and Connect-JMS methods.
TIBCO team had reported that PEGA is opening multiple connections and which is causing overhead on the TIBCO side.
I would like to understand how connection are configured and managed within PEGA. As far as I am aware we don't have connection pool setting for connect requestors like we have for database.
Please share your thoughts.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR details***
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Pegasystems Inc.
For Connect-SOAP, Apache HTTP Connection pool is used.
PRPC provides the following two DSS to tune the apache connection pool.
options to set apache http connection pool size for R-C-SOAP
Owning ruleset: Pega-IntegrationEngine
Setting purpose: Axis2_Max_Connections
Value: 1000 (default)
Owning ruleset: Pega-IntegrationEngine
Setting purpose: Axis2_Max_HostConnections
Value: 100 (default)
JMS Connections are controlled via the container / application server JMS resources like TopicConnectionFactory / QueueConnectionFactory and not by PRPC code.
Hope the above information helps.

NIIT Technologies
Hi ,
Thanks for your reply. I couldn't find DSS you have mentioned. we are using PRPC 6.3 SP1 version.

Pegasystems Inc.
Axis Thread management / Connection Pool was introduced in PRPC v6.3SP1 via HFis-7709. Please create a PegaSupport ticket to get the HFix package and install instructions.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sharath,
Do let us know the SR number once you create it to obtain HFix-7709. We will track it through this post for you.

NIIT Technologies
Hi Lochan/@nkur, I have received Hfix-7709 (SR-B47305). Can someone advise if this would address our below expectation.?
Hi Lochan/@nkur, I have received Hfix-7709 (SR-B47305). Can someone advise if this would address our below expectation.?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sharathviswa,
Could you please comment below with the SR # that you used to obtain the hotfix?
Thanks in advance!

NIIT Technologies

Pegasystems Inc.
Take a look at Java code behind invokeAxis2 activity...Pega shows you how its interacting with application server (container) to initiate connections from the JVM. Pega does not directly manage connections.