
Services Australia
Last activity: 23 May 2017 3:00 EDT
SOAP URL format for Soap over JMS
Hi All,
Can any one let me know what is the format we need to use for SOAP URL if we intend to use Connect-SOAP for JMS Binding.
Tried following
1.Create Connect-SOAP and JMS Transport.
2. For Connect-SOAP rule, SOAP URL, I tried as "jms:queuename"
This is not working, I receive index out of bounds exception for destination name.
Here is the JMS Transport URI generated at run time
JMS Transport URI:
jms:<queue name>?jndiInitialContextFactory=com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory&jndiConnectionFactoryName=QueueConnectionFactory&<adminpwd>&jndiURL=tcp://<host>:<port>&transport.jms.UserName=admin&transport.jms.Password=<adminpwd>
Caused by: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -221
at java.lang.String.substring(
at com.pega.apache.axis2.transport.jms.SOJSpecUtils.getDestinationSOJ(Unknown Source)
at com.pega.apache.axis2.transport.jms.SOJSpecOutTransportInfo.getDestination(Unknown Source)