
Last activity: 18 Apr 2023 3:02 EDT
Case does not get pulled from Workbasket to Worklist.Pega version 8.3.4
I just noticed that when a i am log in and opens a case from my Workbasket, performs some tasks and saves and closes the case, the case is not being pulled from the Workbasket to my Worklist.
But Same screen i added refresh button on top of the screen while click that refresh button case pulled to my worklist.
It's automatically pulled from the workbasket to worklist after save and close the case.
I used data Page and scope is Requestor and i checked checkbox Reload once per interaction.
How resolves this issue?
Please help me.
Thanks in Advance!
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 18 Apr 2023 3:02 EDT

Bits in Glass
@kirti Refresh section with flushing data page should have worked.can you trace once to check if section is getting refreshed. If you kept a button and refresh from the same section is working, then refresh section should also work. Please check if you are refreshing correct section. Also check if, if flushing is happening.

Bits in Glass
@kirti Seems like case already got pulled to worklist, but the dashboard harness didn't get refreshed automatically. When you refreshed using button it got refreshed. Opening the case link is added by you and the action sets of them are added by you manually? Getting pxrefobjkey and Open Assignment?

@Anoop Krishna In Case Link i used Open Assignment Key is pzInsKey

Bits in Glass
@kirti Ok fine. After Open Assignment, can you try adding refresh-this-section and check if its working? Need to confirm if its a refresh issue.

Yes, I can try to add refresh the section and harness also it's not working.
it's a refresh Issue.

Bits in Glass
@kirti If its refresh issue, adding refresh section should have worked. Can you check if you refreshing correct section? If other section, you can refresh that particular workbasket section using refresh-other section

Bits in Glass
@kirti Also once you click on the section and starts making changes, once check if the assignment is assigned to you and its in your worklist. If yes, then assignment already assignned to you. Refreshing the section will resolve the issue. If not then it will be because of Data page cache issue. As data page has instance already in clipbaord, workbasket is getting information from the clipboard. So after open assignment action, you will need flush the data page, so data page will be freshly initiated.
1. Open assingment
2. Refresh section(in data transform-> Flush data page)

I used Refresh the section pzFlushDataPage OOTB activity that pram I called my data page name also's not removing case from workbasket while close the assignment.

Bits in Glass
@kirti Okay, as soon you open the case, have you checked if the case has got assigned to you? yoi can use D_pyuserworklist to check the worklist or assign-worklist instances too
Updated: 13 Apr 2023 4:08 EDT

Yes If open the case it's assigned to me only i am used pyuserworklist Report Definition assign-worklist instance for Mywork
For Dashboard we used datapage D_WorkBasket Assign-WorkBasket Instance
Accepted Solution
Updated: 18 Apr 2023 3:02 EDT

Bits in Glass
@kirti Refresh section with flushing data page should have worked.can you trace once to check if section is getting refreshed. If you kept a button and refresh from the same section is working, then refresh section should also work. Please check if you are refreshing correct section. Also check if, if flushing is happening.

Bits in Glass
@kirti Also can you please check this URL, if user fills out but doesn't advance flow, the case remains in the work basket. If user advances only it will be moved to work list. Try explicitly calling MoveToWorklist activity.