Call "place holder" activity from HTTP service
Hi everyone !
In our project, we have two different applications (DDP and GRM) build on the same application framework TDD. We need to create one HTTP service and one connector in TDD application that will be used for exchanging data between these two applications (GRM and DDP).The same HTTP service must be used for responding to GRM requests and DDP’s ones because transferred XML messages have the same format.
Currently, our solution is to use one service in TDD application :
- If the service needs immediate access to GRM activities, then the service’s package’s access group must point to GRM application
- If the service needs immediate access to DDP activities, then the service’s package’s access group must point to DDP application
In my scenario, an HTTP service is provided in TDD application to execute a GRM activity (ServiceAppelInteractionDemande) by receiving the xml payload.I created a service activity (ServiceAppelInteractionDemande) at TDD application with the same name and which contain no steps (place holder activity).And I made sur that the service’s package’s access group point to GRM application.
After many tests, it appears that the HTTP service call the “place holder” activity declared on TDD instead of the GRM’s one.
How can I call the right activity? Is there a better solution for our issue?