Cache issues after changing Interaction History import component from 365 days to 91 days
I am facing cache issues immediately after changing Interaction History import component from 365 to 91 days. Initially I was fetching Interaction History for the last 365 days. I changed it to 91 days. But after that when I run the decisioning strategy, I always get the same output (proposition) . Thus for a particular SubjectID, always same proposition is getting picked. It seems it is picking up from some cache.
On clearing cache/or on changing the Interaction History component back to 365 days, It works fine. But I am not sure whether it's stable.
Does this change of Interaction History component need to be done with a restart with an extended cache clear? Is there any bug reported like this or any HFix present?
Pega version: 7.2.2
Pega Marketing 7.22.
Thanks in advance.