Interaction History from previous application
In one of our engagement, Client is migrating from existing campaign management system to Pega 8.5.
Now, They wanted to use the existing interaction history available in previous system(for determining blackout rule,contact policy etc.); and as a result we need to migrate the existing IH to new Pega CDH.
I am thinking of following two approaches.
1. Create a separate table in CAR(with some transformation) and use the previous interaction history data in engagement policy. But then in that case we cannot use OOTB contact policy solely for this and have to maintain two contact policy one with OOTB using Pega IH(for subsequent interaction) and a customized strategy in engagement policy using previous interaction history.
2. Import previous IH data to Pega's IH. in that case we can use single OOTB contact policy
Could you please suggest which approach is best. or if there is any other approach.