
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 1 Aug 2019 9:19 EDT
Blank, grey screen when clicking WordMerge Button
Dear All,
We have a long standing issue on our production environment which we couldn't replicate neither on our TEST, UAT or DEV systems.
We use WordMerge operation on applications excessively. We have modified the years ago and now the system opens a word document (which is actually our template in Pega) and fill the information those are set by bookmarks on the document. All this operation happens on client machine rather than server. After this initial creation, end users can change/modify the document and save it. Finally the system gets this document from client machine and uploads the document to case with some PostActivity operations.
The problem occurs on production.
When we click on "create" button, the system triggers the MS Word but nothing more.
It is just blank, grey background of MS Word.
You can see the example screenshot, below.
The workaround for this is to clean up the all browser caches. This sometimes saves the day but sometimes works for just one document.... so basically not a nice workaround.
Our platform is Pega 7.1.7 and we are working on both MS Word 2010 and 13.
Have you ever faced a similar issue below ?
Dear All,
We have a long standing issue on our production environment which we couldn't replicate neither on our TEST, UAT or DEV systems.
We use WordMerge operation on applications excessively. We have modified the years ago and now the system opens a word document (which is actually our template in Pega) and fill the information those are set by bookmarks on the document. All this operation happens on client machine rather than server. After this initial creation, end users can change/modify the document and save it. Finally the system gets this document from client machine and uploads the document to case with some PostActivity operations.
The problem occurs on production.
When we click on "create" button, the system triggers the MS Word but nothing more.
It is just blank, grey background of MS Word.
You can see the example screenshot, below.
The workaround for this is to clean up the all browser caches. This sometimes saves the day but sometimes works for just one document.... so basically not a nice workaround.
Our platform is Pega 7.1.7 and we are working on both MS Word 2010 and 13.
Have you ever faced a similar issue below ?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags; tag SR***