On Click on finish Button in screen flow need to navigate to Home screen
Hi Guys,
Point 1:
In Portal Navigation (Left side menu)-->On click on Home button in right space we are launching Harness in side it we have configured section (In section Table layout Source is Data page is Editable (Data Page Source is report definition) which will show list of work objected created in descending order)--Latest created work object will be show first.
Requirement :
I have a requirement on click on finish button in a screen flow ,Screen should navigate to above (Point 1) and work object.
On Finish button on click Finish Assignment is configured and in the last step flow action in Action Tab
If an assignment is not being performed ( Close the Work Object ) now able to navigate to Point 1 to Home Screen is Work object is created by and Finish action is done by same user its working as per requirement.
If Created Work object is created by one user and Finish action is done by other user screen does not navigate to home screen.
Can any one let know me the steps to resolve this requirement.