Last activity: 11 Jun 2019 1:32 EDT
Avoid Please correct the flagged errors popup
I have implementation with 7 circumstance definition for section depended on value of dropdown. If I choose Value1 then circumstance1 section has appear. This section has required fields.
I realise than I need to change value of dropdown to Value2. Ok. Circumstance2 section has appear. There are few required fields too (other properties). So when I fill this fields and commit flow action I get an error "Please correct the flagged errors". And this error about unfilled fields on circumstance1 section because if I filled fields from circumstance1 section error is gone.
Also I noticed that if I changing allowed dropdown values, on Clipboard are added all of the properties from circumstanced sections with BLANK value.
Tell me please what I need to do? It seems like the system check if required field are blank on the clipboard and generate popup window. Maybe I can remove all blank properties from clipboard? Or I have other option?
Thanks in advance!