"Please correct flagged fields before submitting the form!" pop up in PRPC V7.2.1
Hi guys. We have an issue with this OOB pop-up message that appears on the accordion screen with multiple section. User only sees the pop-up error message. User require some error icon on the section where the client-side errors have occurred. While a pop up is displayed indicating that the form is missing data, no visual marker is present to easily identify the section in which error occurs. I found that there is a fix for tabbed screen, is there a fix for accordion or any other solutions?
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories***
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Hello Larissa,
Thanks for posting your query in PSC :)
I created a sample use case wherein configuration is made as below:
- In a section, use accordion control to have two titles named Tab1 and Tab11.
- Tab1 is configured with a required text control. Tab11 is configured with a TextArea control having max character of 20.
- Run the use case and move away from the page.
Reported popup appears on the screen. Refer the below screenshot:
When use clicks on the Tab1, then the actual error message is displayed. Refer below screenshot:
Hello Larissa,
Thanks for posting your query in PSC :)
I created a sample use case wherein configuration is made as below:
- In a section, use accordion control to have two titles named Tab1 and Tab11.
- Tab1 is configured with a required text control. Tab11 is configured with a TextArea control having max character of 20.
- Run the use case and move away from the page.
Reported popup appears on the screen. Refer the below screenshot:
When use clicks on the Tab1, then the actual error message is displayed. Refer below screenshot:
Could you confirm if this reported behavior is same as observed at my end. If yes, request you to raise a Support request.
PS: My observation is from Pega 7.2.2.

Hi Rincy. Thank you for your reply. However we have a screen with about 5-6 section layout group with accordion display type and when this message (reported) pops up, it is time consuming and not user friendly for users to go over each collapsed section to find what was missing. I've never seen such "General" message as you are referring to. Does it mean that we need to open SR?

Hello Larisa,
Thanks for the response.
I see the popup with the below message:
Could you clarify on the General message. If you are referring to the General Tab in red(of the screenshot), you can ignore it as this is part of UI Sample for Accordion.
Once you raise Support request, product specialist can confirm if similar fix for tabbed screen can be utilized for Accordion.

Hi Rincy. Can you clarify if there is a fix for Accordion or there isn't?

Hello Larisa,
From the post, I see enhancement request(FDBK-10842) has been raised. Alternatively, try the local change suggested in the same post and in this post.
Hi Rincy. Looks like the first post is working (I actually implemented both to the UserWorkForm), however all error messages are now on the Clipboard and not shown to the user. The Validation rule runs from the Post Flow Action activity and runs on the context page (specified in pages and Classes). How to fix it?
Hi Erica. Just want to explain what is going on. We have the same accordion section in parent case (pyWorkPage) and child case (diff page) and the validation is on the complex internal accordion section based on the Page List property Basin(). I included Validate rule into the both post action activities of parent and child cases and for the parent case I'm still getting the error pop-up "Please correct flagged field.." and for the child case I see all the errors on the Clipboard and not on the harness. Need your advise.
Thanks, Larisa

Hello Larisa,
I understand that on referring the local change from the post, you are able see the error popup on the Parent case. However, for child case, the errors are still appearing in the Clipboard and not on the UI.
Is my understanding correct? If yes, could you share the screenshots of the configuration made for this usecase involving Parent and child case. Also, share the screenshot of the clipboard.

Hi Rincy,
As it takes too much time to find the correct approach, we considered to go with the Modal window to display all tabs. This way the user won't be able to close it until all required properties will have a value. It would fit the purpose if another issue won't pop up. Now when the child's window gets closed, the screen with the main case info gets frozen and none of the buttons is responding. Can you provide any solution to it?

Hello Larisa,
Apologize for delay in response.
Could you send me the screenshot of the behavior observed with modal window approach. Also, share screenshots displaying the configurations made.
Do you see the behavior in both IE11 and Chrome?
Hi Rincy. Thank you for reply. I'm attaching one screenshot with Modal config, and the behavior is the same and intermittent in IE and Chrome, sometimes the buttons of the main screen, after closing Modal, become disabled.

Hello Larisa,
From the attached document, I see there is only one screenshot.
I am looking for use case's screenshots displaying the configuration made that is involving Parent and child case. Also, share the screenshot of the clipboard.
Try using out of the box (Perform) harness and if the errors are still not appearing in UI for the child case.

Hi Rincy. It is hard to catch the screens as the issue is intermittent. As it happens in Parent case and child, I think it is more related to IE.

Hello Larisa,
Are you still facing the reported behavior? If yes, share the screenshots displaying the configuration made for the child case using modal window.