
Posted: Aug 16, 2016
Last activity: Apr 6, 2017
Last activity: 6 Apr 2017 9:51 EDT
Automating user activities on Pega
Request forum members to kindly address below queries related to Pega automation,
- A process requires end user to access a public website, search for the customer on that site, review the Search Results, and accordingly take next steps in the process. How can we automate this in Pega? Kindly also share some examples
- A process requires user to read a hand-written form submitted by customer, check for customer name, signature, account number, etc. and match those details with System of Records. While it may be possible to integrate Pega with System of Record, how can we enable Pega to read forms and capture data in it? I guess some OCR/ICR kind of tool may be needed. If anyone has tried and implemented something similar, do share your experience