Last activity: 30 Sep 2016 10:03 EDT
Query on Automating end-user activities on Pega
Request forum members to kindly address below queries related to Pega automation,
- A process requires end user to access a public website, search for the customer on that site, review the Search Results, and accordingly take next steps in the process. How can we automate this in Pega? Kindly also share some examples
- A process requires user to read a hand-written form submitted by customer, check for customer name, signature, account number, etc. and match those details with System of Records. While it may be possible to integrate Pega with System of Record, how can we enable Pega to read forms and capture data in it? I guess some OCR/ICR kind of tool may be needed. If anyone has tried and implemented something similar, do share your experience
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
In answer to your first question, Pega Robotics Studio (formerly OpenSpan Studio) cannot be used to read handwritten notes.
Overall, we strongly encourage you to complete the OpenSpan Core Training course that is now available in Pega Academy. From the course, you will learn through fast-paced, hands-on training exercises how to interrogate and automate Windows and web applications. I’m confident that by completing the course you will gain the knowledge to answer questions like you posted to the community.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srinivasan,
Here' s a link on Pega Robotics that might help! Do let us know if you have more questions!
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Lochan,
I went thru the link and it talks about RPA using Openspan. However, that doesn't help answer how we can automate the two requirements using Pega. Hence, request your reply on whether it can be achieved in Pega or not. If it can, how do we do it? Also, request your reply on the other query I posted related to Mainframe integration with Pega. Thats very critical and urgent as well.
You can do that too in OpenSpan. OS works by building interrogations by inspecting the web elements (e.g. textbox, button, link etc.) and club them in a container which corresponds to that page which is active on the browser. Then you can build automation using this interrogation elements in OS studio and have Pega call websvc exposed by OS studio (if you're using 7.1.7) or use an OS utility shape (if it's 7.2. Not sure about the exact name of the shape, because I did it in 7.1.7).
Hi Nikhil,
Thanks for answering on Query#1. If I understood correctly, what you're saying is that we can implement this in Openspan, and Pega can call webservice exposed by Openspan to perform this task and share the output with Pega, so it can decide on next step and proceed accordingly. Kindly confirm my understanding.
Also, you said this is possible in 7.1.7 - kindly confirm if its possible in Pega 6.2 or other versions before 7.1.7.
Lastly, kindly clarify my Query#2 regarding reading handwritten forms and pulling data from it - can Openspan do it? If Yes, kindly help understand how to do it in Openspan?
Yes it can proceed to next step. And yes it will work with previous versions because it talks to Pega via Websvc which is there in Pega 7.x, 6.x. Not sure on Query # 2. I am interested to see SME's replies.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srinivasan,
We are reaching out to internal SMEs on your question related Mainframe integration and will soon get you a response.
Hi Lochana,
Thanks for your inputs. I received inputs from understand Hostbridge exists, and it works with CICS Applications. However, wanted to understand if it can also work with IMS, which is another major mainframe system. Also, want to know
1. Some real-life cases where it has been used and proven to be successful in integrating Pega with IMS or CICS Mainframe systems.
2. Does Hostbridge work with all versions of Z/OS and Z/VSE?
Await your update.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srinivasan,
I see that you have added the same response to the other discussion so I will let it continue over there!
Query on "Hostbridge" connector to integrate Pega with Mainframe Systems
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Lochana,
I await SME reply on my Query#2 regarding reading handwritten forms and pulling data from it - can Openspan do it? If Yes, kindly help understand how to do it in Openspan?
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
In answer to your first question, Pega Robotics Studio (formerly OpenSpan Studio) cannot be used to read handwritten notes.
Overall, we strongly encourage you to complete the OpenSpan Core Training course that is now available in Pega Academy. From the course, you will learn through fast-paced, hands-on training exercises how to interrogate and automate Windows and web applications. I’m confident that by completing the course you will gain the knowledge to answer questions like you posted to the community.