
Last activity: 11 Feb 2021 10:32 EST
auto build and auto deploy for robotics package
Hi ... we are using 19.1 robotic runtime and 8.5.1 robot manager/sync server/package server . We would like to enable the dev-op process to build/deploy/test the robotics solution in the automated fashion.
The ideal flow is that developer checkin the code, and the package is compiled and deployed automatically to the server, then the bot is started automatically with the new package to start the test.
Step 1: developer develop the automation in robotic studio or visual studio plugin.
Step 2: developer checkin the automation code in Git repo.
Step 3: Build machine (Jinkens) get the latest automation code and auto compile into the automation package with build #
Step 4: From Build machine, the package is added automatically into package server to replace the old version.
Step 5: From Build machine, automatically trigger the start of the automation ( through robot manager?) to run the testing.
I am not sure if it is possible. Hope you can share some lights.