
Last activity: 23 Aug 2018 19:06 EDT
Robotics Automation -Deployment of packages from VS studio to Package server
I have setup Robot manager and package server/status server . Package ans stattus servers are up and running . Iam trying to deploy a package from visual studio to the server . My understanding is VS studio will pickup the package server details from studioconfig/Runtimeconfig.However iam getting an error when i publish to a server using deploy projects menu item in VS studio. Please see the details
Has someone pushed their package from VS studio to package server. Please help.
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Pegasystems Inc.
How are you starting your package server? Can you provide the command line (you can mask the IP)? I would guess that the port is wrong. If you have the status server up, you can browse to it via a web browser from your machine to see if it is up (http://ip:5005 is the URL I believe where you replace IP with that of the server).

i can browser to teh staus server a.nd see that the server is running . My question is here how do i deploy packages from VS studio to teh package server .
I already verified that package server and status server are running .it was started using command line . status serve http ://ip :5005 and package server at http://ip:5000

ServerStatus.exe --urls "http://IP:5005"
PackageServer.exe --urls "http://IP:5000"
Command line args for status and package server

Pegasystems Inc.
Those look correct. Your issue must lie in your config files. In the StudioConfig.xml, what does your Robotics Node look like?
Updated: 4 Jan 2018 16:56 EST

Yes i have those settings ..i have attached a sceenshot of the browser version of the status server URL ..does the error mean something ? . i have both config files updates in appdata roaming and programfiiles(x86)
<!-- baseUrl: Address of Pega API endpoint -->
<PegaServer baseUrl="" />
<!-- PackageServer baseUrl: Address of the Package Server API endpoint. -->
<PackageServer baseUrl="http://10.204.76.XXX:5000" />
Anandi Sarkar

MacQuarie Bank Ltd
I was getting the same error while publishing the package. I updated the Records->integration resources->"service package"->robotics->authentication ->custom->to the one configured. This managed the validation of the openspan studio with the robot manager.

Pegasystems Inc.
I am not sure about that error. Perhaps someone else here knows. Assuming you have Studio Configured correctly, and your package server is running (which it appears to be; error notwithstanding), it should be working.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi All,
We are facing the same issue with version 4, any solutions to this thread?

MacQuarie Bank Ltd
I am also not able to deploy package on the server. Deployment Status is "Local Deployment Succeeded" but "Error Publishing to Server".
StackTrace Information
at OpenSpan.Studio.Solution.DesignProject.PublishPackageToManagementConsole(String packageName, Byte[] packageData, List`1 profiles, String packageComment)
at OpenSpan.Studio.Solution.DesignProject.DeployProject(Boolean deployAll)
Kshitij Dhar

On my Package both Status and Package server are running fine, but when I browse Status server URL "http://ServerIP:5005/", it shows Nothings or "This page can’t be displayed" message.
screen shot attached for both Status server and package server along with web browser.
Any solution will be appreciated.

Pegasystems Inc.
The Urls that each server is listening to do not look right. They have unprintable characters and it looks like they each have an extra port. Here is what the package server window should look like.

Blue Care Network of Michigan
Hi Jeff,
In my case, the Package server and ServerStatus services started successful on their respective port and I am able to launch the URL also http://<hostname:5000 and can see package server and other logs etc. But when I try to deploy a package from Automation Studio, I get error that "local deployment succeeded, Error publishing to server!"
I also get a connect to window which I just ignore since nothing is configured on that part to connect to any Mgmnt console etc.
Appreciate your help if you could provide any document on how-to deploy with the required settings etc.