Last activity: 19 Sep 2017 3:12 EDT
Authentication issue when calling pxRetrieveReportData activity in Service-Soap activity
I am trying to use pxRetrieveReportData activity in a unauthenticated soap service, and when i try to invoke the service from external system, it throws an error stating unauthenticated user can't execute pxRetrieveReportData. The behaviour is correct.
Product version is 6.2
We couldn't customize the activity and save it in our own ruleset because its a final rule.
Is there any hotfix available? Any one has any idea how to solve this.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***
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Pegasystems Inc.
How about saving the activity in different rule name and call that from your activity. Or on second thought you can update the unauthenticate role to have access to those rulesets.
The 1st option is the final option we have if there is no alternative. Can you elaborate option 2.
Pegasystems Inc.
Go to the service package instance and provide correct access group. For testing purpose you can provide sysadmin access group and test. But there should be a separate access group for services which is having limited access to the application.
This wouldn't work. The exposed service soap and the system consuming this service soap is also unauthenticated. The access group of the service package has sysadmin role. But still that doesn't make the external user authenticated.
Pegasystems Inc.
Got the problem. Activity pxRetrieveReportData is having "Require authentication to run" checked. I think you should go with the first option.
Thanks. But the problem with option 1 is there are few other called activities in the pxRetrieveReportData and i have to save all those into specific rulesets.
Pegasystems Inc.
Yeah.. You might need to save as few activities and you would be deprived of the future updates on those activities as well. How about using few steps of the pxRetrieveReportData to get only the data. I can see there are multiple steps which might not be useful.
You can also check if the conector system can send user id and password in the header of the request as well. Then you can make your service authenticated.
Updated: 19 Sep 2017 3:12 EDT
This was done using a sql query as we need to do a save as on multiple ootb rules.