
Last activity: 5 Jan 2020 18:28 EST
Assign to Robot Queue Automation
When assigning to robot queue, what exactly do we put inside the "run robotic automation"?
the name of the automation, the name of the RobotActivity or the acivity name in the RobotActivity?
Our robot does not pick up the work from the queue.
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Pegasystems Inc.
It is the ActivityName property from the RobotActivity component in your Pega Robotics Studio Solution. Those two values must match.
Aashish A Wagle

Any Idea why the robots can't take a work? Moreover, RPA service generates a new operator and runtime also generates a new operator. However, only the operator that is created by the runtime becomes the robot. What do we do about the operator created by the RPA service?

Pegasystems Inc.
If you have adapters in your solution, they have a property called "AdapterReadyForWork". This must be set to True for all adapters before they will start accepting work. Normally on Startup, you would login to each app and get them running before setting this property to True for each adapter. The operators created are done automatically, so you shouldn't need to do anything about them accept leave them be.

Where can I find adapters in my solution?
I'm only using RobotActivity and MessageDialogue inside automation in my project.
Can you give me a sample solution or a guide that shows how a solution would pickup assignments from Work queue of pega platform. Thanks

Pegasystems Inc.
An adapter is the main part Pega Robotics. It is either the Windows Application, Web Application, or Universal Web Application (or Text Adapter) that you use to perform interrogation. If you do not have any, then I would assume that the robot would be ready for work on startup, although I will likely never be involved in a project without an adapter, so I cannot be certain that it works that way without being able to test it.
I do not have an environment available to test that. Have you configured your Robot correctly and you can see it is showing as green in your Robot Manager?

At the moment, I'm just trying to get a connection and a working automation via RPA.
Here's our flow:
Yes, my Robot is green in Robot Manager

Pegasystems Inc.
From your single screenshot alone, I cannot offer any specific suggestions. Make sure your activity name matches. Make sure that your Robot is registered and showing green in the work group within Robot Manager. Make sure that the case flow is placing the case in the work queue inside of the correct work group that the bot is assigned to.

Sorry for the incomplete information. Here's everything we have setup:
Here's our robotActivity with the Activity Name
Here's the route to robot queue in our case flow.
Sorry for the incomplete information. Here's everything we have setup:
Here's our robotActivity with the Activity Name
Here's the route to robot queue in our case flow.
Here's a work assigned to our queueAnd here's the registered robot showing as green
We only have one Workgroup setup, called "RobotWg".
What else could be the problem, or did we do something wrong with the setup?

Pegasystems Inc.
That looks like everything is in order. What do you have the RobotActivity connected to? The ActivityStarted event should be connected to something in your automation as that is the trigger. When your automation is complete, it should call the SetCompletionStatus method.

It's just connected to a MessageDialogue
Here my runtimelog:
Even though there's a queued work(from the previous screenshot), the robot can't seem to find it.
By the way, regarding this thread:
you mentioned about updating the work queue there on the project's properties.
It's just connected to a MessageDialogue
Here my runtimelog:
Even though there's a queued work(from the previous screenshot), the robot can't seem to find it.
By the way, regarding this thread:
you mentioned about updating the work queue there on the project's properties.
I am using Pega Robotic Studio 19.1 and the Robotics>Robotic Work Queue is not present on the application tab. Could that be a problem or that option is no longer included on 19.1?

Pegasystems Inc.
You configure the workgroup from the CommonConfig or via the decision tables based on the registration user. At this point, I don't really have anything I can suggest without seeing your environment. I would suggest that you open a support request and get someone from support to look at your system. Please record the SR number with the post so that when it is resolved, we can update what was done.

Veteran Affairs
Hi Eriik... did you get any resolution for this issue ?
I am also having same issue.... I am able to launch robot but assignments are not picking from queue

I have not found a solution to this issue yet. We currently put robotics on hold to work on other stuff.
I suggest that you do a support request just like I was suggested to. Maybe you can inform me as well as to what is wrong on your end.