
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
ROBOTIC Automation
I am trying to create one sample robotic automation.
I have installed robotic studio software and PEGA 7.2.2. in my personal system.
When i was trying to acess relevant records for the case from robotic studio, i am getting error like "error can not connect to server".
I have given PEGA url mentioned below in studioConfig.xml file.
and passed pega credntials for username and password fields.
Could you please help me on what is the exact URL we need to give to access the relevant records from studio.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Feb 2017 14:51 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
I have attached a rough draft of doc I am working on. The info below is mostly taken from the attached PDF.
First have you setup https on your Pega server? Is the Certificate used trusted? If you have done this properly you should be able to log into your pega application with https://<hostname>:8443/prweb. If you get a security warning from your browser then you have set up your server for https but are using an untrusted certificate. If this is personal edition and you just want to get up and running the easiest thing to do is disable the requirement to use https for the pega API, you can do this in the API Service Package record:
Open api Service Package
Records Explorer > Integration Resources > Service Packages
Open the API Service Package data rule from the list of rules (should be first one)
Uncheck Use TLS/SSL (REST only)
You can now change the URL in config file to the url below where hostname and port are the same you normally use to get to Pega.
Before doing the above change you can try the url below (be sure to set the ContextClass as noted in the URL. For instance my URL uses: ContextClass=TGB-Service-Work-PegaSample-ServiceRequest
I have attached a rough draft of doc I am working on. The info below is mostly taken from the attached PDF.
First have you setup https on your Pega server? Is the Certificate used trusted? If you have done this properly you should be able to log into your pega application with https://<hostname>:8443/prweb. If you get a security warning from your browser then you have set up your server for https but are using an untrusted certificate. If this is personal edition and you just want to get up and running the easiest thing to do is disable the requirement to use https for the pega API, you can do this in the API Service Package record:
Open api Service Package
Records Explorer > Integration Resources > Service Packages
Open the API Service Package data rule from the list of rules (should be first one)
Uncheck Use TLS/SSL (REST only)
You can now change the URL in config file to the url below where hostname and port are the same you normally use to get to Pega.
Before doing the above change you can try the url below (be sure to set the ContextClass as noted in the URL. For instance my URL uses: ContextClass=TGB-Service-Work-PegaSample-ServiceRequest
You should be prompted for username and password, if you get a browser security warning your ssl cert is not trusted and it will not work. Log in with credentials from config and you should get back json with your relevant properties. If login is rejected then you need to add the PegaRULES:PegaAPI to the access group for that user.
https://<hostname>:8443/prweb/api/v1/data/D_pxRuleResolvedRelevantRecords?ContextClass=<<Full Class Name of Case>>&RecordType=Rule-Obj-Property

Pegasystems Inc.
You might not need the port on the URL. In my local example my URL is Does it work if you remove the port? What happens when you attempt to load that URL in a browser?

Hi Sasnt
i am trying with the personal edition of PEGA 7.2.2.
So i am giving sever name as my host name along with the port number.
when it hit the below URL in browser it's saying "Request URI must contain service package, class, and method keys"
Do you have any idea whIch URL we need to give incase of PEGA personal edition.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Feb 2017 14:51 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
I have attached a rough draft of doc I am working on. The info below is mostly taken from the attached PDF.
First have you setup https on your Pega server? Is the Certificate used trusted? If you have done this properly you should be able to log into your pega application with https://<hostname>:8443/prweb. If you get a security warning from your browser then you have set up your server for https but are using an untrusted certificate. If this is personal edition and you just want to get up and running the easiest thing to do is disable the requirement to use https for the pega API, you can do this in the API Service Package record:
Open api Service Package
Records Explorer > Integration Resources > Service Packages
Open the API Service Package data rule from the list of rules (should be first one)
Uncheck Use TLS/SSL (REST only)
You can now change the URL in config file to the url below where hostname and port are the same you normally use to get to Pega.
Before doing the above change you can try the url below (be sure to set the ContextClass as noted in the URL. For instance my URL uses: ContextClass=TGB-Service-Work-PegaSample-ServiceRequest
I have attached a rough draft of doc I am working on. The info below is mostly taken from the attached PDF.
First have you setup https on your Pega server? Is the Certificate used trusted? If you have done this properly you should be able to log into your pega application with https://<hostname>:8443/prweb. If you get a security warning from your browser then you have set up your server for https but are using an untrusted certificate. If this is personal edition and you just want to get up and running the easiest thing to do is disable the requirement to use https for the pega API, you can do this in the API Service Package record:
Open api Service Package
Records Explorer > Integration Resources > Service Packages
Open the API Service Package data rule from the list of rules (should be first one)
Uncheck Use TLS/SSL (REST only)
You can now change the URL in config file to the url below where hostname and port are the same you normally use to get to Pega.
Before doing the above change you can try the url below (be sure to set the ContextClass as noted in the URL. For instance my URL uses: ContextClass=TGB-Service-Work-PegaSample-ServiceRequest
You should be prompted for username and password, if you get a browser security warning your ssl cert is not trusted and it will not work. Log in with credentials from config and you should get back json with your relevant properties. If login is rejected then you need to add the PegaRULES:PegaAPI to the access group for that user.
https://<hostname>:8443/prweb/api/v1/data/D_pxRuleResolvedRelevantRecords?ContextClass=<<Full Class Name of Case>>&RecordType=Rule-Obj-Property

you are great Howec. Thank you very much for helping on this .
I did modifications as you suggested. Now i am able to access relevant records in studio.

Hi Howec,
do you have any idea on Virtual Machine Registration.(I.e. RPA).
I have followed the below steps. But was not able to register Virtual robot for my workgroup(Ex:CustomerServiceWG).
1) Created operator id
2) Assigned administrative access group for the operator id and also assigned role " PEGARULES:RoboticAdministrator".
3) Configured work groups and work baskets.
5) Configured access groups for work group.
6) Configured the heart beat interval.
7) configured the robot queue shape with workbasket and automation.
8) Edited runtimecinfig.xml file to enter RPA crendtials and passed the PEGA serverURL.
Hi Howec,
do you have any idea on Virtual Machine Registration.(I.e. RPA).
I have followed the below steps. But was not able to register Virtual robot for my workgroup(Ex:CustomerServiceWG).
1) Created operator id
2) Assigned administrative access group for the operator id and also assigned role " PEGARULES:RoboticAdministrator".
3) Configured work groups and work baskets.
5) Configured access groups for work group.
6) Configured the heart beat interval.
7) configured the robot queue shape with workbasket and automation.
8) Edited runtimecinfig.xml file to enter RPA crendtials and passed the PEGA serverURL.
9) i did the solution up in PEGA robotic studio by cliking the option "start debug"and entered the credential for RPA.
10) given robot queue name to my workgroup name.
11) ran the automation from PEGA. But still VM is not registered with PEGA7.
any idea on this how to debug and what could be the error . could you please let me know.

Pegasystems Inc.
The robot registration will only happen if you are running the solution from the Pega Robotics Runtime. You cannot register it when running from Pega Robotics Studio.

Hi jeff,
Currently i have installed PEGA robotic studio in my machine.
Do i need to install PEGA robotics runtime also in order to run the solution from the robotics runtime?
Can't we run the solution from PEGA robotic studio?

Pegasystems Inc.
You need to run Pega Runtime outside of Studio. You can run the version that was installed by Studio, but just not from Studio.

Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the information. But i could not able to find pega robotics run time version installed in my machine after installing PEGA robotic studio.
Could you please tell me where can i find it my machine.
I have installed PEGA robotic Studio 8.0.1018.0 in my machine.

Pegasystems Inc.
I forgot the name of the app has not changed yet. In the install folder for Studio which is one of these if you have installed Pega Robotics Studio (it will be a little different if you have installed the plug-in)
- C:\Program Files\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
the Runtime will be found. It is called OpenSpan.Runtime.exe.

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Hi Jeff,
can you please share the process how to register VM from openspan runtime.
I need the VM details on my pega robotics console, but not sure how to configure the VM.
if there is any document i can refer to that would be great