
Last activity: 18 Feb 2016 2:38 EST
Alert Message in Composite Portal Conflict HTML to be corrected/modified
To begin with, I have 3 different scenarios to be discussed.
Scenario 1:
A Workobject is searched and opened in a REVIEW mode. One of the Navigation link in the top of the Review harness is ‘Update Mode’. When User clicks on ‘Update Mode’, gets the alert message and the message says – ‘Would you like to reopen the item and lose any unsaved changes?’. The second part of the message is opposing where the Workobject is still in REVIEW mode.
Scenario 2 – Customizing the Alert Message
The field message is called from ‘CompositePortalConflict’ HTML rule. Our requirement is to customize the alert message and have 3 different alert messages. The above mentioned HTML rules is a FINAL rule to customize it. We have tried by circumstancing the rule and didn’t work. What are the alternate ways to customize it?
Scenario 3 – Bypassing the system generated alert message
If we cannot customize to have different message, we are thinking to have our own alert pop up’s. But, we have to set the conflict flag to false somehow to get it bypassed. Please advice if this is can be done.
I have attached the document with the screenshots for reference.
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Pegasystems Inc.
For Scenario 2 , have you tried exploring the option of circumstancing the field value " pyMessageLabel "Work object already open " and " Would you like to reopen the item and lose any unsaved changes " as per your requirement ?

Yes, We've tried to do circumstances for the field values. But, the field values are generated initially (pega_destop_docgadget.js) when the User logs into the portal (verified by F12 - developer tool). Thank you for replying.

Pegasystems Inc.
What version of Pega/PRPC is used?

v6.3 SP2

Is there that version ? I've never seen it. /Eric

Apologies. Typo error. v6.3 SP1
@Eric - It would be really great and thankful if you can help fixing this issue rather than finding mistake.

Pegasystems Inc.
No worries. Typos hapen all the timme.
Thanks for responding with the correct version. For cases like this one the specificity of the version can be a very important detail. On that note, I just want to point out that's all Eric's post was: a sincere attempt to help fix the issue by clarifying the version, nothing more.
Hope you get some good feedback to help you troubleshoot further. Thanks for using the PSC.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Rajesh,
I checked our Knowledgebase and found some information related to the scenarios/questions.
For Scenario 2, I came across a Feedback Item which describes this scenario ( FDBK-9142). We can create a new Feedback Item and you can work with your Account Executive to determine if it is feasible to include this functionality in a future release. I also noticed a note which made the same recommendation made by Santanu. We should revisit this suggestion and if you are unable to circumstance these values, this requirement should be added to the Feedback Item. Have you tried to make this change without circumstancing the values?
For Scenario 3, I found instances of the this same question and the response was this is expected behavior but no suggestions were provided to make a local change. Which makes me feel it is not possible and/or recommended. I will check on a local system but this scenario may also require a Feedback Item.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kip,
When i looked at this problem, I couldn't understand why they are raising the pop-up message on items that aren't being modified.. in readonly mode that is.
- When you try to click on the link 'update mode' it pops message about losing un-saved changes
- When you try to open an existing work object in readonly mode by searching for it or clicking another link that refers to it, same un-saved changes message pops up.
I see that the System is well aware of the mode in which the work object is. If you try to close or re-open a work object while its in 'update mode', it gives you this message plus another message( redundant) warning user about losing changes.
My understanding is that while being aware of the mode of the work object, the message shouldn't pop at all when the mode is readonly.
Ability to modify a message is another aspect of this problem, since that can help us make the messages more custom to the scenario without being ambiguous to the end user.
Please have a product person look into this. I'm aware a few more people have presented this as a problem.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajesh,
Scenario 1 -
We have provided a enhancement in "Pega 7 release" to suppress the Conflict dialog.
It was a User Story effort and backporting User Story Changes would not be feasible.
Scenario 2 -
We can't customize the HTML Rule as it is Final. Only thing which we can do is Customize Message by doing a save-as of all the field values used in "CompositePortalConflict" HTML Rule to local ruleset.
But this won't give you 3 alerts. It would be just 1 alert with custom message.
Scenario 3 -
There is a HFIX (HFIX-10359) for handling this scenario. Can you please contact GCS in installing it and making out work?
Let us know if you face any other issues.
Bhavesh Kumar.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bhavesh,
Thanks for your response.
We are currently on Pega V6.3 sp1. Would the hotfix you mentioned be compatible with this version?
Also, where can we find more information on the hotfix, any link plz?

Pegasystems Inc.
Rajesh specified PRPC 6.3 SP1 earlier in this discussion thread so the hotfix will be compatible. I will reopen the SR to distribute the hotfix to Rajesh. The hotfix will include notes describing the changes.

Pegasystems Inc.
As per the instructions on this thread and after going through the readme file and applying the hotfix, I still see the popup message for the same scenario. It's not suppressed as i'd expect.
Here's what I did:
- I applied the hotfix zipfile, didn't commit it.
- I used my local VM to test this.
- Restarted the server.
- Did a 'saveas' on the file UserWorkForm html fragment and saved it to a local ruleset, then copied this code snippet:
<script type="text/javascript">
//override openWorkByHandle to use openWorkByHandleReload in all cases
of opening work item //otherwise create a private function and call
openWorkByHandleReload api in specific case
pega.desktop.openWorkByHandle = function(key, harnessVersion) {
pega.desktop.openWorkByHandleReload(key, harnessVersion);
openWorkByHandleReloadOnClick = function(key){
4. Reopened the case manager portal and tried to open work objects and got the same popup messages.
I did however check what was being loaded on the case manager HTML page. The UserworkForm override code above was being loaded, however I couldn't find the
As per the instructions on this thread and after going through the readme file and applying the hotfix, I still see the popup message for the same scenario. It's not suppressed as i'd expect.
Here's what I did:
- I applied the hotfix zipfile, didn't commit it.
- I used my local VM to test this.
- Restarted the server.
- Did a 'saveas' on the file UserWorkForm html fragment and saved it to a local ruleset, then copied this code snippet:
<script type="text/javascript">
//override openWorkByHandle to use openWorkByHandleReload in all cases
of opening work item //otherwise create a private function and call
openWorkByHandleReload api in specific case
pega.desktop.openWorkByHandle = function(key, harnessVersion) {
pega.desktop.openWorkByHandleReload(key, harnessVersion);
openWorkByHandleReloadOnClick = function(key){
4. Reopened the case manager portal and tried to open work objects and got the same popup messages.
I did however check what was being loaded on the case manager HTML page. The UserworkForm override code above was being loaded, however I couldn't find the
and its contents anywhere. I believe that's where the hotfix change was applied as suggested by its contents:
openWorkByHandle: function(insHandle,params,configObj) {
catch(e) {}
if (this._multiView) {
var objGadget = this._objGadget.manager.checkKeyConflict(insHandle,configObj.systemID)
if (objGadget == null) {
var t = this._objGadget.showTab("Work Item",{close:"yes",key:insHandle},{action:"openWorkByHandle", key:insHandle,configObj:configObj});
else {
var t = objGadget.owner;
if (pega.composite.container.tabDisplay.getActivateOnOpen()) {
} else {
var bReplace = false;
if (pega.composite.container.tabDisplay.getReplaceOnOpen()) {
bReplace = true;
} else {
var result;
if (params.reload == 'true') { //HFix-10359
result = 'yes';
} else {
result = this.showConflictDialog(objGadget.gadgetName);
if (result == 'yes') {
bReplace = true;
if (bReplace) {
this._objGadget.manager.replaceTab(t,"Work Item",{close:"yes",key:insHandle},
{action:"openWorkByHandle", key:insHandle,configObj:configObj});
else {
if(!this.confirmDirty( return;
I don't understand how the override above calls the openworkbyHandleReload() when I don't see any reference to it anywhere?
Please let me know if this was the right way to apply the hotfix and changes or not as I don't see anything getting fixed yet.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Faizan,
I just performed some searches and noticed that another hotfix was delivered with this one for a different SR.
Bhavesh Jain Please confirm if we should also supply HFix-10246? Based on the number of dependencies associated with this hotfix, I would like to confirm prior to sending it to Faizan.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kip,
If Customer is using "Dynamic Container Gadget" then only HFIX-10246 would be sufficient.
But if they are using "WorkArea", then both the HFIX's (HFIX-10246 & HFIX-10359) are required.
I would suggest to test it at our local end before providing it to customer.
-Bhavesh Kumar.