
Last activity: 2 Nov 2017 15:27 EDT
Unable to Suppress the Conflict alerts
Earlier we were using ‘UserWAGadget” (Deprecated) in work area and now replaced with combination of TabGroup and Dynamic Container. Below is the activity which will get fired when there is a Work Object need to perform by the Users, since our application is mounted on other area and the different routing engine.
Calling this activity with required parameters: ?pyActivity=Test-Work-Ticket.ShowAssignment&Portal=TestPortal&WorkObject=AB-20626.
In this activity there is a Java step which is used to get all thread pages of the requestor and if any of thread contains pyworkPage then it will get removed and freshly Work Object will get loaded to perform. We don’t have any issues, if it is existing control (above said). Now as part of portal upgrade, we have replaced with Dynamic container, Whenever we are trying to open a work object, which is already opened in any of the tab and we are getting alerts like Work Object Already Open and with different alerts. And when we debug this alerts and those are are coming from CompositePortalConflict / CompositePortalHarnessConflict HTML rule which is Final. So we are unable to suppress this alerts.
Earlier we were using ‘UserWAGadget” (Deprecated) in work area and now replaced with combination of TabGroup and Dynamic Container. Below is the activity which will get fired when there is a Work Object need to perform by the Users, since our application is mounted on other area and the different routing engine.
Calling this activity with required parameters: ?pyActivity=Test-Work-Ticket.ShowAssignment&Portal=TestPortal&WorkObject=AB-20626.
In this activity there is a Java step which is used to get all thread pages of the requestor and if any of thread contains pyworkPage then it will get removed and freshly Work Object will get loaded to perform. We don’t have any issues, if it is existing control (above said). Now as part of portal upgrade, we have replaced with Dynamic container, Whenever we are trying to open a work object, which is already opened in any of the tab and we are getting alerts like Work Object Already Open and with different alerts. And when we debug this alerts and those are are coming from CompositePortalConflict / CompositePortalHarnessConflict HTML rule which is Final. So we are unable to suppress this alerts.
Finally after all debug, we came to know these validation check are referring from “Declare_pyDisplay” declare page which is having the Information of Opened Tab Work Object Info. If we clean up this page also along with pyWorkPage and we are not seeing any Pop-up Alerts. Since it is a declare page, each and everytime if we referred it will get loaded with contents.
We just want to confirm with you guys, if we are trying to clean up some of the info from this Declare page (This is editable and requestor level), will there be any other issues will raise?
Just giving heads up to know more info.
FYI... this is not an dirty alerts.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***