After removing one index host node, search doesn't work for few work items.
After removing one index host node from the search landing page (another one index host node is still available), few work items search returns no results.
1. FTSIncrementalIndexer agent is up and running;
2. Search indexing is enabled in the searching landing page;
3. Default Indexes: all rules, all data, and all work are available from the searching landing page;
4. From PegaRules log, search being initialized and configuration being completed without any errors.
2020-05-25 17:04:22,010 [%20.20t] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (artup.SearchInitializationTask) INFO - Starting configuration of node for full-text search.
2020-05-25 17:04:38,653 [%20.20t] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (artup.SearchInitializationTask) INFO - Finished configuration of node for full-text search, with no errors.
5. Under Agent Information, queue size is 3.
Could anyone help to identify the root cause of the issue?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****