
United health group
Last activity: 24 Apr 2017 10:22 EDT
Advantages of List view of Reports
Hi All,
What are the features that are available in List views and NOT in Reports.
I have refereed the below link but I didn't get what I am expecting so please share your views.
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Accepted Solution

United health group
Thank you Gowri

List views were introduced in the PRPC 5 series (which is why they are sometimes referred to as V5 reports). They are significantly deprecated in Pega 7. If you are developing in Pega 7, you should avoid using them.

Just to re-iterate, List Views and Summary Views are deprecated from 7.2 onwards. Please use report definitions only.

United health group
Yea I am aware that its deprecated but just wanted know if there are features in List view which are not available in RD'S

Citicorp Services India Private Limited
Hello Pavani,
I believe you could achieve almost everything in Report Definition + Repeat grid configuration, which list view used to achieve. You would be wondering about the getContent activity customization with Report Definition, which list view used to support. There is a way to achieve this as well, You can achieve this using Data Page + Report Definition + Your activity combination. Get the results from Report Definition, configure this RD in the Data Page, configure your activity in the Post Processing Activity of data page (Use this activity to customize your results, which we usually do to customize the List View results ). Later you can configure Data Page + Repeat grid in the UI to represent your results.
Moreover RD does the job of both summary view + list view.
Please let us know if you find anything which you cannot achieve using RD.
Accepted Solution

United health group
Thank you Gowri

HCL Technologies
Prior to PEGA V7 List view and Summary view provides Column Filtering by default where RD doesnot.