
Lanit BPM
Last activity: 7 Oct 2016 9:39 EDT
Opening List View from another List View
According our customer's requirenments we need to implement the following:
when user clicks on any row in one List Veiw the another List View should be opened.
We've tried to call activity Rule-Obj-ListView.ShowView via javascript, but nothing happens (but in the tracer's log I can see that getContent activity executes successfully).
Is it possible to implement such requirenments?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Maria,
Which version of PRPC are you working with ?

Lanit BPM
Hi Marc,
The version of PRPC is 6.1 SP2.
List View is opened form Summary View via Drill Down configuration (in pop-up window).

Pegasystems Inc.

Hi Mark, I'm working with Maria on this issue.
I tried to use this proposed solution, but it doesn't work. I overrode WBRun and set it as a single click event of the first List View. When I click on some list view row, nothing happens. Then I created a JavaScript, added activity call to this script and added script to the ListView. WBRun runs when I click on a row, but it doesn't open second list view. If I run overrided WBRun in developer portal using "Run" button, it opens the second ListView.
Do you have any ideas about such behavior?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Updated: 7 Sep 2015 10:26 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Not sure why this isn't working for you really. I tried again with ShowView activity and it is working as well:
So I have now a SummaryView calling a ListView and calling another ListView correctly. Having said that, when you have to run 3 different reports to get to the result, maybe another approach (creating a database view for example) might be a better design.

Mark, how do you run this TestLassm activity? Do you call it from a ListView? Please, make a screenshot.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.

Thanks a lot, Mark. I succeeded in this. ListView is being called from another ListView.

Can anyone of you confirm whether a summary view can be called from list view. If yes, is it the same approach described above. if not can please suggest the approach
Thanks in advance