
Last activity: 14 Apr 2019 23:51 EDT
How to open the work object of another class from a report browser
Hi All,
We are working on 7.2.2. We have 4 case types - Case A, Case B etc. Now we display the report definition of the Case A work class in the report browser and also we display another column which is pyID of Case B in the same report. When we click on the record in the report browser it takes me to the work object of Case A, the requirement is to leave the existing behaviour as is but when the user clicks on the pyID of Case B then it should take it to work object of Case B.
Attached a sample record for example -
S-12047 is the pyID of Case A and R-20083 is the pyID of Case B. When the user clicks on any of the column it should take to S-12047 but when the user clicks on R-200083 it should take to R-200083.
Any pointers will be very helpful.
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