Last activity: 29 Jun 2018 5:13 EDT
Add a button or Link to collapse all collapsible containers in screen
Pega has OOTB action to expand or collapse containers, but this is a toggle action.
Requirement is to have a button to collapse all the expanded containers when clicked. User will manually expand containers as their choice using expand icon in container header.
How this can be implemented using Pega?
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ANZ Banking Group Ltd
I think you can call the expand Header() function on click of the button by passing the Header ID for each of the DIV of the header.
Let me know if you were able to solve the issue.
Is this expand Header() function an OOTB function? or we have to define out own function to do this?
Also if we have used collapsible section inside a repeating layout, is there a way to identify a particular container. will the header id be same for all the repeating containers?.
Hello ,
Kindly check the below links which provides the required info.
Hope this helps.
Thanks.. But my requirement is slightly different. I just want to have a button to do only Collapse All. Not the toggle expand and collapse.
Areteans Tech
Hi suranjith,
1) Place a Button inside the section (i.e Collapse All)
2) On click of Button,Run the data transform with refresh this section action and simply set Param.Value=1 .
3)Now , run the Tracer for data transform and See the Parameter Page
4) You will some values starting with EXPANDEDSubSection...Set all these property in the data transform to false
let us know it works
Ramesh Reddy Battini
Hi @ashokk09,
Thank you for your suggestion.
My screen has several collapsible containers which are dynamically generated using page lists and page groups. So the number of collapsible containers are changing based of the length of page lists and page groups. So i'm unable to set these properties using a data transform.
Areteans Tech
can you please share a screenshot which can help us to replicate the same to find the solution