Last activity: 30 Apr 2019 11:02 EDT
ActionChangeWorkSLA OOTB activity does not create new queue or SLA
Hi All,
The "ActionChangeWorkSLA" OOTB activity is not creating the new SLA queue after removing the old one. Please see my scenario below.
Steps to reproduce.
We have applied a case level SLA.
Depending on one property from the particular case the goal and deadline time will be generated.
Once the goal and Deadline time generated the particular property which is used to create the SLA goal and Deadline can change.
In case if it is changed we are using "ActionChangeWorkSLA" to reset the SLA queue to set new goal and deadline Time.
Once the property value changes, the particular case goal and deadline is updated as expected and the old queue is getting removed from the SLA queue.
But the new queue is not getting generated soon after the old queue removed and it takes more than 10 minutes to process the goal action specified from the goalTime. Some times it is not getting created at all.
Please guide me if you gone through similar scenario. One important point here is I am using case level SLA and i cannot see any other OOTB activity to reschedule the case level SLA. ActionChangeWorkSLAProps also giving the same behaviour.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***