Action not considered in NBA strategy schedule
We've just created a new Decisioning application with Pega CDH 8.7.
We created a custom Customer class in MyOrg-MyApp-Data-Customer and set it in the Context Dictionary.
After that we build the taxonomy and created an action with an Email treatment and a flow configured only with the send email shape.
Then, we enabled the Email channel in the NBA designer and enabled a recurring schedule.
Each time we run the schedule or try to test it on a seed list, we see that an audience is selected, but no actions are selected by the strategy.
We tried to run a test over the Trigger_NBA_MyIssue_MyGroup strategy which stands under the recurring schedule automatically generated by the NBA designer and we noticed that our action is in the output until it reaches the NBA Strategy Framework Customers component.
We also tested that sub strategy to understand in which point it is not selected and it is not selected by Treatments & Channels component.
Can you please help us to understand which configuration we are missing?
We followed the same procedure explained in the Configuring the delivery of an email treatment with the Send Email shape | Pega training