American Express Services Europe Ltd
Last activity: 29 Nov 2018 16:18 EST
This action is not allowed as it is outside the current transaction in Schedule absence
Hi All,
Recently we have upgraded from 6.3 SP1 to 7.3.
During our testing we have noticed Schedule absence was not working for a particular access group users. The OOTB FINAL activity Data-Admin-Operator-ID. SaveOperatorUnavailability has got a new java step to check the privileges for the users. We have added the additional ARO to the role which belongs to that Access group.
Now Schedule absence started working, however we notice incorrect message on the screen.
"This action is not allowed as it is outside the current transaction" I have attached the screen shot as well.
Noticed the ootb activity pyStaleTransactionnis running after the main activity.
Found similar error in many PDN articles not sure it is the similar one.
Does any one faced this error for this functionality? Please advise your solution.
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