
Last activity: 5 Nov 2018 22:05 EST
Err - This action is not allowed as it is outside the current transaction
We are using Pega 7.2.2 and in one of the section we delete a work order - the delete operation has to save the contents including the attachments and when upon adding (+ mark) the deleted contents should be populated (not the deleted attachment). For this I have configuration (screenshot 1) and for this configuration when the delete is performed the error - "This action is not allowed as it is outside the current transaction" is displayed. As we have both delete and dosave in the action set it is causing this issue. But if I specify the obj-save on the pyWorkPage in the activity and remove the dosave from the action set, my actions are not getting saved. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Screenshot 2 is the icons which user clicks to perform deletion or addition of work orders. Same error was thrown in a different scenario and the Pega GCS team shared a script to embed in the same section where the issue is caused. It worked in that scenario but not in this (capture3 is the script).