Achieve Technical Parallelism for Processes
Hi All,
I am trying to figure out in the possible ways in which Parallel processing of steps can be achieved in PEGA.
Now, the question is not about Business Parallelism, under which features like Spin off can be used.The question is in the clear context of Technical Parallelism , in which multiple processes/APIs can be invoked in parallel.
Approach 1 I know of is Asynchronous Data Pages , where Data pages can be used in conjunction with methods like Load-DataPage and Connect-Wait.
Are there any other valid methods within PEGA to achieve Technical parallelism ? I have heard that Data Flows can be used to achieve this, but I am not sure of a use case where this can be possible.
Hope to get some good answers and approaches here !
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***