Veterans Administration
Last activity: 16 Jan 2025 9:07 EST
Lessons on How to Use the Pega Knowledge Module
We have a document control program that was designed by a contractor using the Pega Knowledge Module. Unfortunately their contract ran out before they completed the project so we are going to have to finish the project using internal resources of which we have a very limited number.
More importantly we are going to have to learn how to use the Pega Knowledge Module to mangage our documents and the associated change control processes that will be necessary to establish and maintain version control as we go through a colaborative process to take change requests from our members, gain approval to process the change, share the change with our contractors who will use the new guidance to update their processes while working with our contracting office who controls access to the contractors.
Looking for information on using the metadata, interactive process maps, and generally how to most efficiently use your Pega product.
In researching on Pega Academy the classes are great but their focus is on how to work with a customer and develop a product for them, not how they will be taught to use it.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide in directing me to the appropriate materials.
Thank you,
David J. Bricker, FAC-P/PM Senior Level
Busines & Payment Policy Oversight
Integrated External Networks
VHA Office of Integrated Veteran Care
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs