Logging response of pega Ping Service (Health Check)
Hi All,
We have incorporated pega ping service to create load balancer (F5) monitor (http://<<hostName:port/contextName>>/PRRestService/monitor/pingservice/ping):
We have observed node flapping in production recently.
The documentation around pega ping service mentions
"For releases prior to Pega Platform version 8.2, the Pega Ping service is a REST service ping Service in the monitor package that runs the activity pzGetHealthStatus.
In Pega Platform version 8.2 and later releases, the Pega Ping service does not use REST infrastructure and no activity is processed. The engine handles the ping requests without requestor context.'
- Does pega logs request/response for each hit to Ping Service ? Which log file, category?
- How can we enable or write request/response in logs for PING service
- Has anyone faced node flapping when used ping service as monitor at F5 load balancer.
We're running 8.7 as on premise virtual platform..
Thank you very much in advance.