
Evonsys (PVT) LTD
Last activity: 23 Dec 2022 6:31 EST
How Do I view operators in work queue
hi team,
I want to view operators in my workqueue, How can I view ?
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You can make us of the below mentioned data page to get list off members associated with workgroup.
Each workbasket will be associated with workgroup, have your logic to get your needed workgroup associated with workbasket and pass the workgroup as input parameter to the below mentioned data page..
Data Page Name = D_pzOperatorsByWorkGroup
Eranda Weerasingha

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
@Gunasekaran Baskaran Is there any method to view operators in devStudio ?

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
@Gunasekaran_Baskaran Hi, Is it "D_pzOperatorsByWorkGroup" or "pyOperatorsByWorkGroup"
I tried seaching D_pzOperatorsByWorkGroup , but It's not showing any results ?
Eranda Weerasingha

You have to enable diagnostic features for your operator to see OOTB final rules. Please enable and then try to search.
Operator --> Preferences
Aditya Banta Eranda Weerasingha

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
@VinayKumarL16594575 How Did u open this vindow and , after what shoul I do ?

To view Pega pz rules(D_pzOperatorsByWorkGroup) you need to enable - Diagnostics Features checkbox.
Please follow below mentioned steps to navigate to this popup.
- Click on Operator profile icon and select preference option.
- In Preference pop-up modal window scroll down and upadte teh diagnostics option.
Eranda Weerasingha
Updated: 23 Dec 2022 5:09 EST

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
@Gunasekaran Baskaran Thanks.
when I am use this "pyOperatorsByWorkGroup" in Data-Admin-Operaor-ID class, I got some Operators (After Run this report Definition), so waht is it ?
and Is work group operaotors and workqueue operators are same ?

Workgroup and Workbasket are not same, but they are inter-related.
All the workbasket will be associated with workgroup, Workgroup will be associated with workbasket. Workbasket will be used to route the associated workgroup tasks.. If you open the workbasket instance in that you will be able to find the associated workgroup name.
Eranda Weerasingha