
Last activity: 1 Jul 2022 3:17 EDT
Case Dependency was evaluated, but not completed.
Hi Friends,
i'm in a issue that i have a Case Y, and on Stage 3 it create a SubCase X that has some Child cases (grandsons), so, these child cases are moving forward and changing the status of SubCase X to Resolved-Completed, but in final, my main SubCase X (Parent of grandsons) has the Status New. On an advanced Stage later i verified on a Wait Shape with Case Dependecy type if that Subcase X is Resolved-Completed but is not and cannot complete the task. So i have to take Subcase X on Status Resolved-Completed.
I saw on Audit History that it takes an "Status changed to Resolved-Completed" note in near the end of the process, but after that it set the Audit History: "Dependency was evaluated, but not completed." at finals, and apparently it changes the Subcase X Status to NEW again.
I already tried to change the status manually by using UpdateStatus and pxForceCaseClose Activitys, but no success.
Can you help me?