
ING Belgium SA NV
Last activity: 21 Dec 2021 11:43 EST
Set param to property value in correspondence fragment
I have a property Type
In my correspondence rule I want to refer to a parameterised Datapage property using a property value as parameter. When doing the following: <% tools.putParamValue("ParamOne","1");%> <% tools.putParamValue("ParamTwo","2");%>
<pega:withPage name="D_DataPageName"> <p:r n=".Value"/></p:r> </pega:withPage>
It works fine. But how to get a property of the current page (I'm at that moment in a <pega:forEach> loop) in one of the parameters? I've tried:
<% tools.putParamValue("ParamTwo","<p:r n="propertyname" m="javascript" />");%>
But I can't get it working. Any advice?