Asb Bank
Last activity: 7 Aug 2023 10:33 EDT
Upgrading from 1G to 2G
We have recently upgraded from Pega 8.3.1 to Pega 8.6.2 and we are using Pega CLM 8.6 version. We are planning to upgrade CLM requirements from 1G to 2G which is a new feature in PegaCLM 8.6, but we dont have clarity about the following: 1. Our attachments and metadata info is being stored in external system (DMS), currently we dont have any metadata in pega attachment tables. If we want to implement 2g model, what will be the impact if we dont migrate the data for existing cases? 2. What are the benefits of moving to 2g and main difference between 1G and 2G, i have gone through the article but not much info is available there.
Please suggest, your response are very much appreciated.
We have already seen the below article: