photo attachment uploads turn 90 degrees
It has been observed first-hand by administrators that some correctly orientated photos get rotated 90 degrees when uploaded to the PEGA application.
(tester - we think the source is mobile phones photos as we replicated it there but no where else so far - we took photos on the phone in 3:4 aspect & 1:1 aspect we sent these to our computer (.jpgs) and uploaded them and both rotated 90 degrees, we converted to .png format and tried that and it worked sort of - the photos got stretched regardless of aspect ) so anyone filling out a form on a mobile phone should encounter this problem ?
The problem may not be limited to mobile phones - it happens regularly, so far photos taken on phones are the only way we have been able to replicate the problem.
Has anyone else had this problem please - any suggestions how to fix ? MY business owner wants a prompt not to use mobile phones to solve this and a prompt on aspect ratio....sigh ....i'd prefer a technical fix.