
HCL Technologies Limited
Last activity: 26 May 2020 12:44 EDT
Guardrail Compliance report email notification is not working even though it is scheduled
Hi All,
My application is in v7.1.9. I am trying to have Guardrail compliance score report to be notified through email to all developers. So, i scheduled the report in Designer Studio-> Application->Guardrails->Compliance score, through schedule report button. I have Task processor agent is running and also my default email account is also configured properly. But still i am not receiving the email notifications.
Please help.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check if scheduled tasks are getting created for them? You can check the scheduled tasks in Configure->Reporting->Scheduled Reports

HCL Technologies Limited
I cannot see scheduled task getting created for this in designer studio but in DB table i can see task prefixed with ST is created.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Subbu,
As soon as schedule a Guardrail Report, you should see an instance under Pega-ScheduledTask-Guardrail class. The instance confirms if Emails are turned ON, Frequency & Recipients. I assume this is present as expected. Also, a queue entry gets added to System-Queue-ScheduledTask class as "Scheduled"
The report(email) is sent by Agent as you are aware it's running, check the queue entries of System-Queue-ScheduledTask class for any Broken-Process.
Let me know if that helps!

HCL Technologies Limited
Thanks Harish. I can see the entries with "Scheduled" state in table pr_sys_queues. Also, I received the mail after agent run now.
I have one question, in which table i could see the next run for the task.

Pegasystems Inc.
Glad to hear you've validated things and received your email.
As the queue instances are of System-Queue-ScheduledTask class, the instances should be present in pr_sys_queues
table and pyminimumdatetimeforprocessing will tell you the next processing time.
Let me know if that clarifies!

HCL Technologies Limited
Thanks Harish. As you said , i can see the next run in the above mentioned column. I am so curious to know further on this . I have 2 questions in my mind.
1) I know we can unsubscribe the mail if not required. But still i can see in the table under the column "pyminimumdatetime" it is still scheduled for next date. So, how we can stop processing or delete the scheduled task from table because i can see entry still with pyitemstatus as "Scheduled".
2) Also, Agent is running and send the mail at its own time. For eg. i can see Guardrail compliance report mail sent at 2 AM AEST daily. If i want to be reschedule it can it be done? if yes, please let me know steps

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Subbu,
If you open the Pega-ScheduledTask-Guardrail instance and click Edit. You have the option to "Disable" email notifications and a check box to 'Remove this scheduled Task permanently" as shown below.
This will ensure that queue item gets removed from System-Queue-ScheduledTask class (table).
Let me know if that clarifies & concludes your issue.

HCL Technologies Limited
Thanks Harish for patience. I am using Pega v7.19. In the same screen as above, i do not have option to delete the schedule task permanently.

HCL Technologies Limited
I was able to remove the scheduled task using SMA under Agent management->System queue management.

Pegasystems Inc.
Unlike general scheduled reports, there is no provision to choose the time guardrail reports are scheduled.

HCL Technologies Limited